What packaging requirements do I need to follow as a processing facility?

The following packaging requirements apply to all usable medical cannabis (retail-ready) being transferred to or sold to a medical cannabis dispensary for sale to a qualified patient and/or caregiver. Packaging and labelling, meeting the following requirements, must be in place when transferred or sold to a medical cannabis dispensary:

  • Labels, packages, and containers shall not be attractive to minors and shall not contain any content that reasonably appears to target children, including toys, cartoon characters, or any color scheme, image, graphic, or feature that might reasonably be expected to make the product label, package, or container appealing to children.
  • Packages should be designed to minimize appeal o children and shall not depict images other than the business name and log of the medical cannabis establishment.
  • Packaging must contain a label that reads: "Keep out of reach of children."
  • All usable medical cannabis and cannabis products must be packaged in child-resistant containers at the point of sale or other transfer o a patient, a patient's parent, or legal guardian if patient is a minor, or a caregiver.
  • Packages and labels shall not contain product names related o candy or candies (or any spellings thereof e.g., kandy, kandies, etc.)
  • No cannabis and/or cannabis products shall be intentionally or knowingly packaged or labeled o cause a reasonable patient confusion as o whether the medical cannabis or medical cannabis product is a trademarked product or any commercially available candy, snack, baked good or beverage.
  • Packages and labels shall not make any claims or statements that the medical cannabis or medical cannabis products provide health or physical benefits o the patient. Must not contain the log of the Department or any seal, flag, crest, coat of arms, or other insignia that could reasonably mislead any person o believe the product has been endorsed, manufactured, or used by any state, county, or municipality or any agency thereof.
  • Cannabis products that have a potency of over thirty percent (30%) total THC must be labeled as "extremely potent."
  • Edible cannabis products must be labeled with a clear determination of how much total THC is in a single serving size and how much THC is in the entire package. The single serving size must also be included on the label.
  • Usable medical cannabis must include the following on the label:
    • Name of the cannabis and/or cannabis product.
    • Batch number of the cannabis and/or cannabis product.
    • Unique identifier number created by the seed o sale system.
    • Net quantity or weight of contents.
    • The length of time it typically takes for the product o take effect.
    • Disclosure of ingredients and possible allergens.
    • A nutritional fact panel.
    • The total amount of THC and CBD in the product as verified by the cannabis testing facility.
    • Terpenoid profile in the product as verified by the cannabis testing facility.
    • A notice of the potential harm caused by consuming medical cannabis; and,
    • For edible cannabis products, when practicable, a standard symbol indicating the product contains cannabis.

See 15 Miss. Admin Code Subparts 5 and 6.

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